WhatsApp sent me this simple puzzle recently. Find the digits that will open the lock using the hints provided.
Its not terribly difficult to crack this puzzle. But why think, when it can be automated :) If we convert the hints to constraints, then this can be cast as an ILP (Integer Linear Program) problem. Open source solvers like Cbc have come a long way and are readily available.
To use the command line cbc utiluty, the problem has to be expressed in the LP file format. There are many ways to express this problem as an ILP. The simplest is to create binary variables x_ij
, to represent if a number i = 0..9
is assigned to the position j = 0..2
on the lock. The hints are used to create constraints on the variables.
\ ilp to solve whatsapp puzzle
\ xij = j'th position is assigned with i. i=0..9, j=0,1,2
obj: x00 + x10 + x20 + x30 + x40 + x50 + x60 + x70 + x80 + x90 + x01 + x11 + x21 + x31 + x41 + x51 + x61 + x71 + x81 + x91 + x02 + x12 + x22 + x32 + x42 + x52 + x62 + x72 + x82 + x92
Subject To
\ 682 : one is correct and well placed
x60 + x81 + x22 >= 1
\ 614 : one is correct but wrongly placed
x61 + x62 + x10 + x12 + x40 + x41 >= 1
x60 + x11 + x42 = 0
\ 206 : Two numbers are correct but wrongly placed
x21 + x22 + x00 + x02 + x60 + x61 >= 2
x20 + x01 + x62 = 0
\ 738 : Nothing is correct
x70 + x71 + x72 + x30 + x31 + x32 + x80 + x81 + x82 = 0
\# 780 : one is correct but wrongly placed
x71 + x72 + x80 + x82 + x00 + x01 >= 1
x70 + x81 + x02 = 0
\ each pos can have only one value
x00 + x10 + x20 + x30 + x40 + x50 + x60 + x70 + x80 + x90 = 1
x01 + x11 + x21 + x31 + x41 + x51 + x61 + x71 + x81 + x91 = 1
x02 + x12 + x22 + x32 + x42 + x52 + x62 + x72 + x82 + x92 = 1
x00 x10 x20 x30 x40 x50 x60 x70 x80 x90 x01 x11 x21 x31 x41 x51 x61 x71 x81 x91 x02 x12 x22 x32 x42 x52 x62 x72 x82 x92
To solve it using cbc: cbc code.lp solv solu code_soln.txt
. This is a small problem and cbc finds a solution in no time.
Result - Optimal solution found
Objective value: 3.00000000
Enumerated nodes: 0
Total iterations: 0
Time (CPU seconds): 0.00
Time (Wallclock seconds): 0.00
Heres the solution. x00, x41 and x22 are 1 and the rest are zeros. The solution is therefore 042.
Optimal - objective value 3.00000000
0 x00 1 1
1 x10 0 1
2 x20 0 1
3 x30 0 1
4 x40 0 1
5 x50 0 1
6 x60 0 1
7 x70 0 1
8 x80 0 1
9 x90 0 1
10 x01 0 1
11 x11 0 1
12 x21 0 1
13 x31 0 1
14 x41 1 1
15 x51 0 1
16 x61 0 1
17 x71 0 1
18 x81 0 1
19 x91 0 1
20 x02 0 1
21 x12 0 1
22 x22 1 1
23 x32 0 1
24 x42 0 1
25 x52 0 1
26 x62 0 1
27 x72 0 1
28 x82 0 1
29 x92 0 1
Overkill? certainly!