WhatsApp Lock Puzzle - Solution using ILP
WhatsApp sent me this simple puzzle recently. Find the digits that will open the lock using the hints provided.
SVG to PNG with proper size
SVG images look nice but unfortunately cannot be used with (not so) older versions of MS Powerpoint. No problem, we got ImageMagick right? So, heres what happenned when I converted an svg from the web:
Tomato Router as standalone DHCP and local DNS server
New WiFi Router
My venerable WRT54GL+Tomato router, finally was about to bite the dust. Its 54Mbps 802.11g speed was becoming quite inadequate for modern bloat. Time to upgrade. Got a TP-Link Archer-C9 for a discount price at Frys and my home network reached modern speeds. But wait a minute… I cant ping my media server by name, from my Debian laptop, anymore. I need to use the IP address. So whats going on? Apparently, my shiny new Router doesnt have a local dns server ! Quick searches indicate that this is a common issue. My options were..,
First Post
New Blog
Trying out GitHub Pages for a Blog. Pretty Good !
Note to self: Look around for a good theme.